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What Interior Design Brings to the Table


These important team members help create safe, comfortable spaces that are perfectly tailored to your needs.Homeowners sometimes ask what, exactly, interior designers bring to the table. It's a valid ...
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How to Furnish a Dual-Purpose Room You Can Enjoy When the Guests are Gone


Whatever happened to your guest room?You know, the room with the exercise mats, barbells, and hand-weights scattered on the floor. Is that a treadmill in the corner?Did your guest room gradually morph...
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What to Consider When Designing Your Walk-In Closet


A walk-in closet is a dream come true for many of us. If you’re used to a small, dim closet that can barely fit your daily wardrobe, a closet that size can be almost overwhelming. Luckily, there are s...
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Why Changes Are So Costly


Change orders have always led to budget increases and schedule delays, and it's not getting any better.With inflation showing up in the news and at the grocery store, some homeowners are asking what t...
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6 Easy Ways to Separate Areas in an Open Floor Plan


Homes with open floor plans tend to be airy and filled with light. Instead of moving through rooms separated by walls, you can flow through these spaces, moving from one area to the next. There’s a pr...
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Expert Tips For Decorating A Child’s Room


Decorating a room for a child gives you the opportunity to create a whimsical space that will inspire creativity and joy in your child. But, you also need to take into consideration your child’s age, ...
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